Sunday, May 5, 2013

Litter Bugs

So on Friday we went out into the beautiful city of Elmira to pick up trash and litter in order to beautify the streets. I actually spent the majority of the time with Dr. Maluso and the wonderful Gertrude Stein to help with retrieving the bags of trash and scoping out neighborhoods in need. When I did switch out with Sarah and Logan to go with Cassie and Casey, we started at The Branch and then made our way back towards campus from Davis Street. We picked up the front lawn of a middle school that was either shut down or not in session, and then we went through some neighborhoods. We didn't pick an ideal spot necessarily, and most of the trash we picked up was small, and it was few and far between. The most common items found were scratch tickets and cigarette butts, and then crushed beer cans and glass out behind The Branch.

I try my best not to litter, mostly because I'm afraid of the karmatic repercussions, but it's sad that people can't just pick up their own trash. Elmira isn't as bad as a lot of us make it out to be, and there are parts of it that are really nice. If there was more of an effort to get Elmira clean and keep it clean, it would be a lot nicer place to be.

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