Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Getting Started

Why Hello There!

I'm Amanda. I'm 21 years old, and a Psychology major at Elmira College. I like babies, the color yellow, singing, and reading really outrageous summer romance novels. I made this blog for my Term III class, with Dr. Maluso. I guess we're going to do some awesome hippy-dippy tree hugging exercises and I think it'll be a perfect way to end the crazy chaotic mess that has been my undergraduate education.
We're also going to be talking a little bit about hunting and fishing, which I could not be more thrilled about, partially because I really like fishing, but mostly because I really like watching Logan in stressful situations (which I think fishing might be for her). These next six weeks are the final stretch for me at EC, and although I'm super excited about this class, I cannot wait to be back at home.

Speaking of which....

Island Grove
I grew up in Abington, Massachusetts. It's a small town on the South Shore with a lot of history and a ton of heart, and I'm proud to call myself a townie. One of the most spectacular places in Abington is the Island Grove. The Island Grove is where I caught my first fish ever (it was a rainbow trout), where I learned how to swim, where I learned how to read, and where I have been employed as a camp counselor for the past six years.
My dad always wanted a son to pass on his legacy to. He wanted a boy to wake up at 4am to go fishing with, and spend hours in the shed fixing the snowmobiles with, and someone who would be ok with camping somewhere that wasn't a campground with electricity and public bathrooms - but he got me, so he had to make due. I hated waking up at four o'clock in the morning, and there's nothing I found more disgusting than putting a live worm on a hook, and as I reeled in a heavy line with a fish on it I would pray that it wouldn't be a pickerel because they have sharp teeth, and I would have to unhook it myself - but those are skills not everybody has, and it gave me a real appreciation for the outdoors, so I'm definitely excited to learn a little bit more about the environment while getting to spend some time outside!

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